In light of the approaching examination, an activity based on the speaking skills was conducted in class. The aim of the activity was to teach the students to observe a picture in ‘details’. It should be noted that detailing is a factor that shows the application of vocabulary in picture description.

The activity highlighted observation skills, creative skills and communication skills. The French language was extensively used for this activity as a medium of instruction and communication. The students had no other means to understand the questions apart from tuning to French pronunciation. I believe that this was a success in encouraging the students to think in French and communicate in French. Though basic French was used to performing this activity, at a later stage, the vocabulary would escalate to medium order and high order. Creative skills were an area of challenge where the student had to connect the picture to one of the chapters of the themes studied in class. In short, the student was more mindful about a picture as a result.

As a follow-up activity, the students were asked to be more of an independent orator in another similar activity following the guidelines given, in the target language. This is just the start of the way to excel in internal assessments.