Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all – Aristotle

I was pleasantly surprised when I got a mail from The Gaudium regarding a meeting of the core committee members just before the school was scheduled to reopen. The excitement paved the way to curiosity to explore this new arena.

As a teacher, I have always believed that imparting knowledge is just one of the roles that we have to play in the lives of students. An equally important role for teachers is to shape the character of the children we are entrusted with. So, to this effect, when the school echoed these thoughts and more importantly seemed to have a path to achieve it through “The Five Pillar – Happy Mind Model”, I felt a wave of satisfaction run through my senses.

When we were asked to choose one of the pillars of our choice, I had no doubt that “Mindfulness and Wellbeing” was what I wanted to work with. This was primarily because I have, after practising mindfulness, witnessed a tremendous transformation and abundance in every sphere of my life. However, an in-depth dive into the topic opened a sphere of possibilities about how mindful living can transform our existence. A careful analysis of the five pillars surfaced the fact that there is indeed a deep chord that intertwined these pillars together.

I believe that including “Mindfulness” as a parallel curriculum is all the more crucial at this time of uncertainty and turbulence as it essentially trains us to be present in the current moment and evaluate its impact on the energy encircling us. Cultivating mindful habits can have a profound effect in nurturing a more open-minded, balanced global citizen.

TGS has indeed stepped ahead of the traditional school curriculum by its forward-looking vision that focuses on creating a stronger, more secure tomorrow.