Children thrive on feelings of belonging and affection that come from having caring and supportive families. The quality of family relationships is more important for children’s well being than the size or composition of the family. Whether families have one parent or two, whether they include step-parents, grandparents or other carers, they can build strong,positive family relationships that promote family well being and support children’s mental health. A healthy environment, which actually starts during the prenatal period, is the nurturing that helps a child’s brain reach its full potential. Interactions with caring adults are a key component of a nurturing environment. Being the Unit of Inquiry “Relationship” the PP1 Geckos are learning about different relationships around them, role of family and friends in our life and our responsibility towards maintaining a healthy relationship. In order to enhance their learning a very experienced grand-parent guest speaker “Mrs Joshi” was invited to the campus to share her experience with the kids. Mrs Joshi not only shared her childhood memories and different incidents with the kids but also made them aware of the five important elements (caring, sharing, kindness, trust and respect) to have a healthy relationship with family and friends. The kids showed a lot of curiosity and respect towards the guest talk and also reflected their learning by filling the reflection sheet.

Facilitator: Mrs. Joshi


Some highlights: