Nature has always been an indispensable part of humanity. Man and nature are interwoven like sun and moon, both inseparable from the other. A few of us do intensely get connected with this bond, one such personality being MS. Pratiksha Kothule, who shared her firsthand experience on wildlife and its protection with our students in a new series of exciting sessions of talking titans. Her unstoppable enthusiasm to connect with nature in the purest form led her to be a wildlife biologist.

Ms. Pratiksha has knit with her passion in her job as a Volunteer at Nature conservation society of Nashik or NCSN. This prestigious institution is a paramount of preserving our ecosystem, working since 1994 with a shared vision and commitment to nature conservation. It aims to create not only awareness but also affection towards nature in children from urban and rural areas. They work to preserve the flora and fauna.

Ms. Pratiksha gave an insight of “The World of Birds” and the ways of protecting these delicate, eloquent musicians. She enlightened our inquisitive students with the nuances of the bird world.  The session directed the students on spearheading the campaigns and to leave no stone unturned in unravelling the aesthetics of nature.

A storm of enthusiasm, a new arena of travelling the less trodden paths of environment conservation, an aspiration to preserve and protect our mystical mother earth boosted the spirit of our students. They voiced unanimously that, “Harmony with land is like harmony with a friend; you cannot cherish his right hand and chop off his left.”


Some highlights: