Learning Outcome – Animals are an important part of this world. To understand and learn about different types of animals and our responsibility towards taking care of pets.

Nursery children are inquiring on how animals and people interact with each other in different ways. As part of this, Geckos had their Summative Assessment as ‘Animal Parade’. They went on a parade around the campus wearing different animal masks. They visited PP1 and PP2 classes and showcased their learning about different animals. Geckos displayed excellent communication skills, confidence, knowledge, creativity, curiosity and enthusiasm during the event. Geckos of PP1 and PP2 enjoyed and appreciated, different animal noises, animal walks made by Nursery children. Senior children posed many questions and juniors answered them confidently. On the whole, Nursery children were assessed on different parameters like clarity of voice, volume, content, eye contact during their performance. They had lot of fun and gained laurels and applaud from their audience.

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