The sources of knowledge students have access to, are many. Primarily, schools and teachers impart it and the other sources are the Internet and resourceful people. Guest lecturers given by people who have expertise in particular fields also can ready students to face realities of the world. More than that, guest lectures enrich students with valuable information. On the 1o of  June 2019, the Grade 1 geckos attended a guest lecture on ‘the effective functioning of our body parts’. It was an informative session in which the geckos interacted and discussed with the guest. This guest talk was related to the first Unit of Inquiry. The guest lecture was given by the school nurse, Mrs. Anupama. The purpose of organizing this guest lecture was to impart knowledge on the effective functioning of our body parts and on how to take care of the body.

The speaker explained that to keep our body parts functioning properly and healthy, one needs to have proper healthy food like fruits and vegetables which include vitamins, minerals, etc. These food items help build immunity. She also made them understand that our human body needs proper exercise and rest, at least 8 to 12 hours of sleep, depending on the age.

As the discussion progressed, she explained the importance of a few food items: how milk is good for bones; carrots for eyes;  garlic for heart, etc. She also laid emphasis on how hygiene plays a crucial role in our life. It is very important to keep our body healthy, for instance, one should wash hands before eating and after playing with pets. Brushing our teeth and bathing twice a day, wearing clean clothes and having healthy habits keep us healthy.

She also discussed what would happen, if the body doesn’t get proper sleep. Overall it was a very enlightening session for the geckos.


Some key moments: