Understanding and the capacity for empathy are essential in actively fulfilling the core value of respect.

Respect is when one can appreciate and accept someone else, even if the person doesn’t necessarily agree with the other person’s point of view.  It is a concept that refers to the ability to value and honour another person, both his or her words and actions even if we do not approve or share everything he or she does. It is highly important to set a positive example for others as core values help communication between teachers and staff members as well as students and their families. As teachers, we encourage dedication, responsibility, productivity and respect.

Respect between the teacher and the student is essential for success in the classroom. In the real world as well, when it comes to fulfilling one’s dreams to reality, it takes an awful lot of determination. The personal core values are the select values that one must hold most dear in the world. They are the core beliefs about what is essential, and hence it is imperative for the students to absorb them starting early in their childhood.

We teach the geckos how much significant it is to respect the dignity and rights of the people everywhere. We also let them know to take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.


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