On 8th September, grade 1 geckos had their SA on the topic well-being and it was conducted in a very interesting and innovative way.  The SA was held as an “Awareness campaign on health and hygiene” in the school. It was all about presenting the importance of healthy lifestyle and good habits in different ways. The geckos presented their learning in different forms, like a song on healthy eating and short skit on good habits. Few of them presented a Zumba dance to show the importance of physical activity and rest of them had a rally where they marched around the campus. The geckos of other classes and teachers were invited to view the performance who thoroughly enjoyed it. They were also a part of the Zumba dance which the geckos didn’t want to end at all. There were also posters made by the geckos related to health and hygiene, which were put up in the corridors of the school so as to make the other geckos aware of them. The geckos participated very enthusiastically in this event and were eager to share their knowledge with the other geckos. Overall the SA went very well and they loved it.


Some snapshots: