As Alice Wellington said ‘The test of a good teacher is not how many questions he can ask his pupils that they will answer readily. But how many questions he inspires them to ask him which he finds it hard to answer.’ Teaching is indeed a process of learning where both teachers and students influence one another to enrich their learning skills.

The Professional Development session conducted by the CIE Coordinator Ms. Sunitha Indukuri infused the educators with the essence of active teaching.  An insatiable thirst for innovative teaching, apart from the subject knowledge, was extensively discussed in the session. The benefits of inculcating the latest teaching methodology of visualization, cooperative learning, and technology in the classroom were noteworthy.  The significance of following the learning pyramid of lecture, reading, audiovisual, demonstration and discussion showcased the vitality of varied teaching strategies.

When teachers have access to continuous learning opportunities and professional development resources, they are better equipped to expand their knowledge and be passionate lifelong learners. It is a privilege to be a part of The Gaudium School that acquaints its team with the leading-edge didactics and pedagogy.


Some highlights: