Early Years and Grade 1

On 10th June 2020, a ‘Back to School Event’ was conducted for the young learners of Nursery, PP1, PP2 and Grade 1.  The sessions had an informal and enjoyable approach for the geckos to connect with their homeroom teachers and single-subject teachers before the online schooling sessions start from 15th June 2020.

‘Back to School Event’, is a fun way to start off the academic year and an amazing platform for our teachers, students and the parents to interact in an informal setting. It was overwhelming to meet our students of early years as well as Grade 1 on virtual platform post-summer break. The homeroom facilitators gave a warm welcome to their students and introduced themselves. They conducted an ice-breaking session for the students to facilitate peer introduction and interaction. We had our single subject teachers introducing them to the students as well. The students were enthusiastic throughout the event and were well supported by their parents and teachers for the success of this event. It served the purpose of laying the foundation for stakeholder connect. We look forward to a fruitful association and year of mutual learning ahead.

The session was successful in its purpose as it initiated the introduction and interaction between the teachers, students and their peers. The geckos expressing their excitement for online schooling to start and meeting their teachers and classmates through this event was the perfect session takeaway.

Grades 2-5

On 11th June 2020, a ‘Back to School Event’ was conducted for the young learners of Grades 2 and 3 and on 12th June, the event was conducted for the geckos of Grades 4 and 5.  The sessions had an informal and enjoyable approach for the geckos to connect with their homeroom teachers and single-subject teachers before the online schooling sessions start from 15th June 2020.

The session started with the homeroom teachers welcoming their students and introducing themselves. It was followed by the subject teachers introducing themselves as well. An ice-breaking session was conducted where the participants connected with each other well serving the purpose of the session. The geckos expressed that they were eagerly waiting to get back to school and online classes as they missed connecting with their peers and teachers. The Gaudium team is thankful for the parents to support their children in the process and help make it successful as we look forward to a rewarding association and year of mutual learning ahead.

The session was successful in its purpose as it initiated the introduction and interaction between the teachers, students and their peers. The geckos expressing their excitement for online schooling to start and meeting their teachers and classmates through this event was the perfect session takeaway.

Some highlights:

Some videos: