At IB PYP, every class and section gets an opportunity to conduct the morning assembly. The morning assembly is held two days a week, Thursday and Friday.  This is a platform for the geckos to participate in activities of relevance to morning assemblies with responsibility and ownership.

The geckos of Grade 3 I conducted the morning assembly on September 6, which began with the school prayer. The geckos shared the thought of the day and local, national and international news. They presented a skit about a girl who is new to school and is trying to find her place with her friends. The message conveyed was- we must respect each other and our differences.

Akshat shared his action- He along with his sister made posters and choreographed a dance to convey the message that – trees are important and home to many animals and birds. Yahavi shared the information that she gathered from the  research she conducted about elements of Japanese culture with her peers.

The assembly concluded with Ms. Anjalika, Principal IBPYP talking about World Literacy Day- DEAR time and the importance of feedback and feedforward!

Some highlights: