BIRLA PLANETARIUM: The Geckos of Grade 6 visited the Birla Planetarium to have a better understanding of their unit on the universe, constellations and the solar system. They were excited to have a 3D view of the things that they had just imagined to be huge luminous objects somewhere out there in the vast space in the universe.Learning Outcomes: The Geckos saw how stars, planets and other objects like meteorites and
asteroids are not only different from each other but also how these very differences keeps the universe stable.

DINOUSAURIUM: The Geckos of Grade 7 literally took a walk down the memory lane of mankind when they visited the Archeological Museum and the much acclaimed Dinosaurium at the Birla Science Museum. They got to see a variety of souvenirs from the stone age to the modern age of mankind. They also saw the skeleton of Kotasaurus, as it majesctically stood surrounded by various other fossils from its time.Learning Outcomes: The Geckos got a chance to see various archeological and literary sources and understood the difficulties of preserving them. They also got to understand the process of fossilization firsthand.

Facilitators: Mrs. Deepthi, Mrs. Reshma, Mrs.Sanjana, Mr.Ram


Some ‘fun’ moments: