Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave and grow old, wanting to get back to. – John Ed Pearce

It is said; learning happens much before a child is born. It happens even in the mother’s womb. Once the child is born, he is exposed to varied situations and through his experiences his learning happens. From the cradle to a toddler to a playful child, the child keeps learning from his near and dear ones and also his surroundings.

The child is now a school going child where he comes across all new faces. Trying to find the same compassion and care that he experiences at home. Here is the role of a school as a second home to a child. The teachers who enlighten the life of the children and illuminate their world with the light of knowledge. Children come across many friends and have a joyful time of learning through fun.

Keeping the ultimate aim of life and education as happiness, a child thrives in a place where the child is surrounded by happiness, through the lessons he learns and the music he mesmerizes. A school is a place where a child, through his various activities of learning like sports, games, and arts, learns varied skills and his holistic development takes place. The child is taught to believe in himself and is motivated to dream today to materialize it tomorrow, to grow into a healthy and good human being, where happiness sculpts minds.

The child starts experiencing school to be as an extended family. With the open-door policies- where every child feels free to share his feelings and thoughts- and a welcoming environment, every individual connected to school feels at home, making the school as the second home, for a child.